History and program
Your guided tour will begin with a history of the Hôtel national des Invalides, which has housed the museum since 1905. Your guide will then lead you to the treasures of the collection of ancient armor and weapons (3rd largest collection in the world): armor from jousts or tournaments used from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance or the majestic armor of the kings of France presented in the former refectories of the Invalides, whose paintings dating from the XNUMXth century have recently been restored.
The second part of your guided tour will take place in the Empire rooms for a discovery of the Napoleonic epic based on famous portraits such as that of Napoleon I by Ingres, personal objects of the Emperor (bicorne, frock coat, camping tent, etc.) or even of his marshals...
Your guide will finally take you to the Eglise du Dôme, which has housed the monumental tomb of Napoleon I since 1861. You will also discover the tombs of famous military men: Turenne, Foch, Vauban, etc.